Are You at Risk for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)?

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a relatively common circulatory issue arising when narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to the limbs.

With PAD, your extremities (usually the legs) don’t receive enough blood flow, causing leg pain when walking and leading to other health issues, which may include amputation. Take our free PAD risk assessment quiz to discover if you’re at risk for PAD. If you score four or more points, you may be at risk for PAD.

PAD Risk Assessment Quiz

Answer each “yes” or “no” question below. We’ll display your results on the next page.

Do you have cardiovascular problems, such as high or low blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels?(Required)
Do you have diabetes?(Required)
Do you have a family history of diabetes?(Required)
Do you currently smoke?(Required)
Have you ever smoked?(Required)
Do you have aching, cramping, tingling, or pain in your legs when you walk or exercise that is relieved by rest?(Required)
Do you have ulcers or sores on your feet or legs that are slow in healing?(Required)
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